You can improve your conversion by 63%

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Below you will find the justification


According to McKinsey, companies that use personalization achieve 40% more sales. When we look at landing pages made in AdPage, we sometimes see more than 1700% revenue growth. In this calculation we have taken into account as a benchmark.


The value of getting personalization right/wrong is multiplying


How profile enrichment in email marketing can create mega revenue growth



Have you ever wondered why so much data is requested at once on a landing page? Research has shown that breaking a form into steps can provide a huge conversion booster.


Although there is no extensive research available on the impact of multistep forms, we at AdPage do know that the average increase in the conversion rate is 11.2%.

Landing Page Speed

Landing page speed has a huge impact on your conversion. It is striking that the average conversion rate increases by 13%. Several articles have been written about this. We have made an overview for this:


Improve landing page or website speed

Why should you use AdPage?

We help marketing agencies with landing pages that deliver results. We want to make the life of a designer, online marketer or developer at the marketing agency a little more fun every day by developing simple and result-oriented software. We do this by:

Dutch templates

All in one web tool

Server Side Tracking

Loading Speed




First Party Tracking

Reuse sections

NL deep integrations

Conversion experts

NL support

The Frustration List


Linking with API between ESPs, CRMs, etc does not always work.

The CTRs of my campaigns are good, but the landing page is not converting.

Switching between design, marketing and development remains an issue.

Continuous manual optimization of landing page speed.

3 working days waiting for support from other international landing page tools.

It's all about scalability but not customer success.

Apple blocks everything that prevents me from measuring my ad results.

No advice from software tools available.

Clear view of my analytics.

Not GDPR/AVG proof.

Ready to go through your

conversions let the roof go?